Tuesday, March 27, 2012

27 March 2012

Hello family!  I hope you're all doing well!
We've had a tough week, but we did have some great things happen.  We taught Alex and Angie and watched the Finding Faith in Christ DVD, and they made a bunch of comments throughout the movie and they watched it intently.  This was significant because we're usually lucky to get 15 words out of them the whole lesson, but they're really opening up to us now!  They even came to church this week!!!  After sacrament meeting ended, Carrie [edit] (their member friend and school classmate) rushed over and snagged them and took them to Primary with her.  It was awesome!  Then Sister Kehoe came and took Sis Morales to relief society with her.  We didn't even get to talk to Sister Morales or the twins because the Kehoes were too awesome of missionaries!
We also got to teach Noah yesterday after he showed up to an institute class and brunch.  He's had tough luck finding a job but is still trying hard.  He wants to be free from his "girlfriend" and be able to go to church when he wants and get baptized.  He's a lot of fun to teach because he always volunteers to read, and takes notes on a piece of paper as we go through the lesson.  He has a really sincere and soft heart, a lot like Anthony.  We're praying hard that he can get a job, because that's really the only hurdle in the way now.
On Friday we had another zone leader council down in Vista.  I have become the main piano player for the mission, so of course President Cook asked me to play for the council.  It's almost amusing that he asks me to play a certain song, and I say I can't play that one, but I can play the two on either adjacent page to it!  He says "no, you can do it!"  "No, I really don't know how to play that one..." "Well I think you can do it!  We'll sing that one!"  I've found it fruitless to try to negotiate with him!  Luckily he gives me the song in enough time that I can trip my way through it and make it decent. But, it's always a spiritual experience at zone leader council, and a good chance to see other missionary friends, including my MTC companion, Elder Zarate.  He's a zone leader in Escondido right now.  Anyway, one of the things we talked about was that the USPS is no longer forwarding mail from the mission office to our individual addresses.  Mail should still be sent to the mission office, but we may not get it for a couple weeks.  The way we'll get it (especially in Orange County where I am) is whenever a senior couple or the APs make a trip up here, they'll bring mail up with them, and will meet all the zone leaders (including us) and give us mail.  Then we have to drive around the zone and distribute mail either to district meetings or to individual apartments.  So don't feel bad if I don't give a reply for a few weeks, that's what we're dealing with now.  The Church Missionary Department said that has been happening for many US missions.  Their new policy is they won't forward mail anymore for businesses, and under their definition, the Church is a business.  Of course, we know better, but that's what the situation is.
On Saturday we helped the Eads family move out of our ward, which was sad for us because 1, Bro Eades is a really cool guy, but 2, because he's a grown-up version of what I want to be!  He's an accomplished musician (a fantastic organist for the ward) as well as a high school sports writer for ESPN!  We are sad to see him go, but he told me to give him a call if I still am looking into sports journalism.
Transfers are next Tuesday already!  Elder Rupp may or may not go this time.  We've decided that there is a 40% chance he'll go this time.  I am pretty safe to stay here this next transfer.  There are only 2 missionaries coming in the mission, and 3 going home, which are both significantly smaller numbers than usual.  Consequently, President Cook told us a few weeks ago to expect a small transfer, and that more people will stay put than normal.  We'll still have to go to Carlsbad for the transfer meeting regardless if we are transferred or not though.
Well that's all I can think of for now.  I hope y'all have a great day!
Elder La Follette

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