Tuesday, April 10, 2012

10 April 2012

Hello family!
I hope all is going well for you.  We've had a good week here.
On Saturday we have a two-hour mission conference, with Elder Russell M Nelson, President Donald L. Hallstrom, and Elder Allan Haynie (area) down in Carlsbad.  It's going to be awesome!  I've been asked to play piano for a singing quartet as a special musical number and I'm scared to death because I don't play piano.  I've been practicing for a couple weeks during lunch and dinners when we don't have appointments.  I think it might be okay, but I'll need some help!  Luckily I'm just the background and not the forefront, so my mistakes will be covered a little bit.  The "jitter" factor will be tough, having 2 general authorities there, with at least one area authority, and all their wives.... Not to mention the entire Carlsbad mission.  If I was on trombone I'd be fine, but piano is my third instrument and not very good...
Anyway, we also have two Leadership Training Mtgs in Vista and Carlsbad tomorrow and Thursday.  So much of our proselyting time is going down the toilet this week, plus our weekly planning.  The schedule is like having 4 1/2 PDays in a week.  Sounds about right for zone leaders... Plus we had to pick up two zones worth of mail yesterday down in San Clemente.  We'll be doing that once a week now.  At least we get our mail before everyone else does!  Neither of us got mail yesterday though so we just picked up everyone else's good fortune.
So we finally picked up another legitimate investigator for the family ward yesterday.  Her name is  Bella, from the Phillipines.  She's a full-time caretaker for an elderly lady in our ward, Nani [edit], who is also from the Phillipines.  Bella lives with Priscilla and her family M-F, and lives with her daughter on the weekends somewhere else.  So getting her to church will be a challenge.  But she's really pure in heart and wants to learn more about God.  She accepted to be baptized and we have set a date for May 19.  Nani Priscilla is an awesome missionary and is super bold, so that was fun.  We're working on getting her a Book of Mormon in Tagalog and Pompagenazjopasd however you spell/say it.
Noah didn't show up to church this week.  We're getting a little frustrated with him because he's letting his girlfriend completely control his life.  We had a church tour with him last week and he was really excited to come.  Our next lesson will be about agency...
Alex and Angie are out of town this week with their grandma.
We picked up two new investigators for the singles ward this week.  Bobby used to meet with missionaries a couple years ago but had a really hard time keeping commitments.  We'll do what we can to help him.  We also picked up Darrell, from Delaware.  He's known in his complex as the "straight arrow" as well as his roommate Jason.  They don't smoke or drink or smoke weed (a huge problem in CA..) and don't mess around with girls.  He's about to get out of the USMC this month and will return to DE when he's done.  We taught him about the Restoration and he's planning on coming to church soon.  He's a good guy and has a sweet accent.  I didn't know Delawarish people had accents.  Mike and Tara probably know that.
In case you were wondering, I didn't actually get on facebook last Saturday.  The Church had a 3-day advertising campaign on mormon.org, where anyone could go and leave comments on the page bearing their testimony of the Savior.  We found that upon doing so, we had to sign into facebook or emails, so President Cook let us do that just so we could leave comments, then sign back out.
I hope you all had a great week.  I can't think of much else to say.  If you have questions, let me know. 
Elder La Follette

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